Genre : Free Poetry

The soft touch of fingers is greeting the morning delivery
I cornered my heart when
I looked at your presence with lonely friends In the turbulent longing that
I can't cut, the noise of wanting to be together
That you are the seed of my sorrow when

I sink into a puddle of dust
Give a spark of hope that can change the mood of the room
In the passion of love, your shadow illuminates every second of my time
With you I feel like
I'm not alone in walking the twists of life

And your happiness, your smile is like the sun that gives light to the earth
So beautiful is the omnipotence of love that you created to make me drunk with romance
I no longer feel the frenzy of the world when there is you, oh lover

Without you life feels empty, without feeling and without passion
Lying in the shackles of sorrow even though without injury
Every second that I spend with you always feels that we are the perfect couple
When I'm discouraged, you're the one who always cheers me up until

I get up
Likewise, if you are discouraged,
I am always there to give you new energy
Two flavors that are always burning will ignite the burning fire of love
May our love last forever even though the storm is getting stronger

Humming the echo of an incomparable romance
Blossoming, the world is getting brighter with the purity of true love
Aligning the beauty of nature until the universe prays

06 September 2022